Street Marketing Events

Think big, attention grabbing, fun and impactful! A street marketing event involves your chapter doing an event in public. They’re flashy and get your chapter’s name and work recognized in your community. These events help build awareness of the work your chapter does. ISTEP street marketing events should be all about tobacco prevention and education. These events are also great opportunities to recruit new chapter members.


The ISTEP Executive Council plans annual ISTEP street marketing events as an option for chapters to participate in. These events are planned during the summer months and announced the beginning of the school year.

5 Step Planning Process

As you hold chapter meetings, there is a planning process that will take place. It’s recommended to go through the questions at each step in the process to ensure an event runs smoothly from start to finish.

1. Research – What, Where and When

  • What activity/event do you want to do? Will it have a theme?
  • Where will the event be held? School, library, YMCA, etc.
  • When will it be held? Date, time, etc.
  • Will you need to get permission to hold the event here?

2. Plan – Plan Event

  • What materials will you need in order to do the event? Contact your CP for these.
  • Will you need to meet before the event to put materials together? If so, plan a date to do this.
  • All chapter members should be involved. What role will everyone play?
  • How will you announce the event? Social media, newspapers, flyers, intercom announcement, flash mob, etc.
  • Who will take pictures of the event to show off your hard work?
  • Will you be missing class because of an event? If so, you will need permission from parents or teachers ahead of time.

3. Action – Day of Event

  • Have materials ready to go ahead of time (camera included).
  • Hold the event – Everyone knows their role and is ready ahead of time.
  • Clean up after the event – Leave the location looking in the same condition as you found it, if not better.
  • Determine when your next meeting will be.

4. Discussion – Evaluation Meeting After Event

  • Reflect on the event itself – What went well and why? What could have gone better? What will you do differently next time?
  • Did you work together as a group? Did everyone feel included? If not, how can you improve this?
  • Would you do this type of event again or would you like to do something different?
  • Determine the next meeting date to plan your chapter’s next event.

5. Optimize – Planning Next Event

  • Before going through the cycle of planning again by starting back with Step 1 of the process, think about what you could do to make planning the next event even better. Evaluate your strengths as a group and reflect on lessons learned in the process.